"it is only fair to receive payment on devices that may be repositories for stolen music".Excuse me?! First, this assumes that any customer is a pirate. Nicely done, Universal and Microsoft. Second, if I am not pirating, should I get a refund? Third, and most critical, what about my personal computer? My cellphone? They all may serve as repositories for stolen music. Should music industry get to tax me for owning a computer? What about the movie industry? The software industry (hello Microsoft)? Ah, my bad. That last one we already paying, every time we buy a new computer and shell out cash for copy of Windows we already have at home or don't need.
Finally, there is a good idea I want to give Universal. People also have memory to reposit stolen music in, and lips to reproduce it. In the spirit of things, you should be taxing our heads.
I'd love to hear what my Property Law professor thinks about that.
I would be interested to know
Cory Doctorow has noted what the name "Zune" sounds like in Hebrew...
BTW the sales of Zune suck. People hardly buying it.
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